Are You a Brewery Ready to Expand?


Your brick and mortar

is bustling…

People are kicking back, enjoying the cold pint of liquid gold that you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into… okay maybe that’s a bit much, but you get the picture. In a nutshell, you’ve made the goods, and you’re ready to break out of the self-distribution game. Get the word out. Let folks know you’re here to make your mark in the great big world of craft beer. But how do you stand out?

That’s where we come in.


We remember the grassroots-days of craft beer where microbrews were little gems waiting to be found in random bottle shops by a curious patron, or hunted down by an aficionado. At Hardihood, we are passionate about developing the palates of the masses, making craft beer accessible and enjoyable for all. This means we are covering ground and making personal connections with merchants to educate and upgrade their craft beer selection. We network with liquor stores, gastropubs/bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pop-ups, you name it. Whether it’s flying off the shelves or flowing from taps, we are your personal hype team making sure your name is known and sought after.

Interested in working with us? Drop us a line down below and see what we can do to help you cover some ground.